Stillborn but Still Born - 2 Years Later
August 15, 2010 by Audreys · 2 Comments
Katelyn Grace would have turned 2 years old today. She opened her eyes to see Jesus 730 days ago but it feels like it was only yesterday when we kissed her rosy cheeks for the last time and said goodbye. I wish I could tell you living without her has become easier over time, but it hasn’t. The truth is time doesn’t heal; the empty feeling might come and go but it will never leave you. Honestly, I wouldn’t want it to. The first time I start my day not missing her is the first day I spend in Heaven with her.
Baby Angel Grace was created not only to keep Katelyn’s memory alive, but to remind us that God has a purpose in everything that happens to us or near us. Katelyn’s purpose was to draw us closer to God; her loss went far beyond that. Mothers, fathers, grandparents and the like have come to realize that through God’s grace we will see her and every other stillborn baby boy and girl again one day. No matter how far away God may seem when we lose someone we love, the truth is He is right there with us. By clinging to his promises, we can rest in the knowledge that we will one day be reunited with our Savior and our little girl.
Building 429 has a new song called “Always”. I encourage you to listen to it or even watch the video. It is a powerful song of how important it is to remember that God is with us during our trials, during our losses, during our rainy days and during our times of joy. No matter what, He will always be with us. Here is the one line that I cling to every time I think of Katelyn…
“Even when all hope is gone God knows our pain and His promise remains, He will be with you always”
God blessed us with a little boy named Blake just less than a year after we lost Katelyn. He will never replace her or take her place, but he has added more joy to our lives than we thought possible. I have to admit I treasure every single moment with him (even the whiny ones) because I know how it feels to lose a baby, and I know now more than ever that life is so precious, so fleeting, that I would be missing out if I didn’t.
So…until we meet Katelyn again, we will keep praying that God will continue His purposes through her loss - helping every person who visits Baby Angel Grace know that He will be with them always and know that if they choose to follow Him as their Savior, they will see their little baby girl or boy again one day.