
February 25, 2009 by Audreys 

I just came across your site and as a fellow believer in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, I was greatly touched by it! What a beautiful way to take a tragedy and bring the Lord’s comfort and compassion into it! I am so touched by your strength and faith…I pray I would have that kind of faith should I endure such a loss. You have a powerful testimony of His grace.

 … Would you mind if I share your website with our families that have experienced the same loss?

My prayers go forthwith, I truly can not imagine your loss.

 In His name & for His Glory



I seen your site and think you have done a wonderful thing for honoring your baby and to assist other families facing similar situations. Beautiful site though… thank you, from another angel’s mommy



I came across your wonderful, amazing, beautiful daughters story on NILMDTS. I can not in words describe my gratitude to you. Your words of encouragement on this website are a healing balm. I know My Isaac & Hannah are rejoicing in Heaven with my beautiful Jesus. But its so comforting to hear the truth from someone who’s been through more than I think I could bear. I was 5 months with Isaac & 7 months later lost Hannah Joy at 6 months in the womb. My heart is still so very wounded but God speaks to me, He holds me, He takes my hand & leads me. I thank God for you, for your family, for your sweet Katelyn Grace. Fearfully & Wonderfully made.



Praise God for you both and your hearts to share your difficult story. There is no doubt that God can and WILL use this for his glory. I pray that He will comfort you moment by moment and I will also be praying that your ministry grows wings and becomes a place of healing and salvation for others.
Thank you for opening your hearts.
ps- I will be passing your website on to a friend of a friend who lost her new born son.



The website is beautiful and your story…is so beautiful. Your testimony of the goodness of God puts me in awe. I have been so deeply blessed by reading your story and knowing you. I will continue to hold you close in my prayers!
May the Lord Bless you and keep you, may He make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you: the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
In Him,


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